The reason why you exercise regularly but not effective

Excess energy will accumulate in subcutaneous fat found all over the body but is most often “condensed” in the abdomen because this is an area with a loose texture. To lose weight while slimming and toning the body, many people exercise with sports equipment at the gym or outdoor sports area. But no matter how hard you try, it will still not be effective if you forget a few things.

  1. Exercising but not maintaining it regularly


How much determination to practice sports, run at parks and sports areas, but if you only practice for a few days and then put it away or take it out for a long time, it can’t help you lose weight and find the desired waistline.

  1. Too much focus on your belly

Belly fat is a cause of low self-esteem. However, just focusing on slimming this area while the weight has not been reduced to a reasonable level is very difficult to do. Because belly fat is often accompanied by body fat, the waist shaker will not have a comprehensive weight-loss effect if you only exercise in the abdomen with abs exercise machines.

To lose body fat and reduce belly fat, you must exercise all the large muscle groups (chest, legs, back), not just a few muscle groups such as hip and abdominal muscles that can effectively lose weight. If you lose weight by exercising unevenly or exercising to exhaustion, sweating profusely only causes muscle atrophy, cannot burn white belly fat and affects the whole body’s health.

  1. Unscientific nutrition

Even with very active exercise, if your daily diet is not adjusted correctly, your weight loss efforts will complicate to come true.

If, after exercising with abs or waist shaker for more than 30 minutes, you drink a glass of soft drink, the exercise session’s effort is considered a river.

If you don’t give up the habit of snacking, eating late at night, sitting right after eating, exercising with the above machines will only make your belly not more prominent but can’t help reduce your measurements.

  1. Exercise for a few minutes but sit for many hours

Many people are having this problem. It is practicing for a few minutes a day but sitting a lot and not taking advantage of moving around anytime, anywhere. Belly fat tends to accumulate very quickly, especially when you sit long, do not move, and exercise. Meanwhile, simple tasks such as cleaning the house and cleaning the house also consume as many calories as exercise with exercise machines and tools.

It’s time to exercise for health! Let’s practice with Viet Fit to become healthier and stronger than ever. Using our fitness equipment is safe, and with a variety of exercises, Viet Fit will bring excitement even when you practice outdoors.

If you want to know more information, please get in touch with us to discover unique and new products of Viet Fit!